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Understanding Temporary Disability

What are the types of Temporary Disability, and how do they affect me?

If you have an injury that prevents you from doing your job completely, or even partially, you’ll want to find out if you’re eligible for Temporary Disability (TD). As with any legal process, it’s important to understand the two different types of TD before you file a claim. Temporarily Totally Disabled (TTD) and Temporary Partially Disabled (TPD) are the two types of TD available. You can read more on the State of California Department of Industrial Relations website, or keep reading below for a quick summary.

It’s important for injured employees to understand the difference between TTD and TPD in order to receive the correct amount of compensation from workers’ compensation benefits.

Temporarily TOTAL Disabled (TTD) means you cannot work at all during your recovery. This is the more serious of the two designations, one made by the doctor who examines you before you file your claim. If there’s a disagreement between you, your doctor, or your claim administrator, a Qualified Medical Examiner (QME) will evaluate you. You can read more about QMEs here.

Temporary PARTIALLY Disabled (TPD) means you are able to work during your recovery but not to the full extent you were able to work before your injury. Generally you will work less strenuous conditions and fewer hours, with oversight from your doctor. TPD benefits help you keep working at a reduced scale as you recover.

No matter which type of TD benefits you receive, you’ll be expected to continue seeing your doctor periodically so you can receive updates about your ability to work or to note a change in your condition and the hours your work.

To determine how much you’ll be able to receive in TD benefits, consult the State of California website. If you have questions about filing a TTD or TPD claim, please contact us for an appointment. There is no charge. Our offices are paid through the success of your claim.