
It’s an unfortunate fact of workplace injuries that medical care may be needed in the future, beyond the scope of employment. FMC is shorthand for Future Medical Care. Unfortunately, many workplace illnesses...

What is the Supplemental Job Displacement Voucher? A workplace injury always makes for a harrowing time. On top of the injury, the injured worker has to deal with the added pressure of...

What are the types of Temporary Disability, and how do they affect me? If you have an injury that prevents you from doing your job completely, or even partially, you’ll want to...

What happens if a Workers’ Compensation injury results in more injuries? The legal profession is full of acronyms no one would remember if they didn’t work in the field. SIBTF stands for...

What is a Qualifed Medical Evaluator, and why are they important? The State of California defines Qualified Medical Evaluators (QMEs) as “Qualified physicians who are certified by the Division of Workers’ Compensation...